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Having delivered over 25 Protégé programs with over 3000 Protégé participants, Inspire Asia has matured the Protégé program to offer a standout program.

Having delivered over 25 Protégé programs with over 3000 Protégé participants, Inspire Asia has matured the Protégé program to offer a standout program. The program is a structured program preparing the Protégé graduate to understand what is expected of him/her in the current workplace. It prepares the individual to work in teams, communicate well, solve common workplace problems using management and thinking tools, improved communication in English and adapt to the organisation. We also get the participant to exhibit values that are needed to succeed in today’s workplace.


The program aims at creating a graduate that is ready to be absorbed into your organisation. The program can be a 20 day program or it can be customised to meet your needs. If you have a large group of Protégé participants, we can run it as an in house program or if you are only sponsoring a few participants, then consider our public program.


Call us today to find out more on how you can participate in the Protégé program at a reasonable cost and enjoy the tax benefits for your organisation that comes along with the Protégé program.


After attending this program apart from having the option of receiving a certificate of completion endorsed by Open University of Malaysia, participants will be able to:

  • Communicate well in business conversations, interviews and office settings

  • Improve written and verbal English Communication

  • Practice and acquire public speaking skills

  • Design and deliver effective presentations

  • Develop total confidence

In relation to Communication Skills:

In relation to Organisational Adaptability:

  • Understand the need for performance at the workplace

  • Understand the attitudinal and competency needs of the client and it’s businesses.

  • Adapt to the organisation and change at the workplace

  • Prioritise and manage time effectively

  • Display Project Management Skill

In relation to Grooming and Etiquette:

  • Understand their individual potential, capacity and how their appearance affects branding

  • Create the ideal appearance at all times in the interest of the organisation

  • Attend Interviews effectively

  • Create a professional resume

In relation to Creative and Analytical Thinking:

  • Be resourceful and innovative at the work place

  • Solve problems using appropriate management tools

  • Use Mind-Mapping, Idea box, Idea-toon,  Six Mental Games and a host of other creative techniques

  • Apply lateral methods in creativity and innovation

In relation to being a Value Driven Professional:

  • Become a corporate athlete as propagated by Jack Groppel

  • Display effective Leadership for future success

  • Display the 13 Ground Rules of Job Success in the Information Age derived from the Best Selling Book “New Work Habits for a Radically Changing World” by Price Pritchett:

    • Become a quick-change artist

    • Commit fully to your job

    • Speed up

    • Accept ambiguity and uncertainty

    • Behave like you’re in business for yourself

    • Stay in school

    • Hold yourself accountable for outcomes

    • Add value

    • See yourself as a service centre

    • Manage your own morale

    • Practice kaizen

    • Be a fixer, not a finger-pointer

    • Alter your expectations


The entire program will use a combination of:

  1. Indoor and Outdoor Activities

  2. Board Based Simulations - Cash Flow Quadrant, Sector 35

  3. Lectures

  4. English Practical Sessions

  5. Continued On Line Education

  6. Tools where participants discover own strengths and weaknesses

  7. Thinking Tools to be applied at the workplace

  8. Templates for Self Reflection

  9. Management Videos

  10. Group and Individual Challenges

  11. Assignments

  12. Book Summaries

  13. Corporate Athlete Sessions - Exercise and Fitness

  14. Seminars and Meetings with External Professionals

  15. Project Work and Presentations

  16. Brainstorming Sessions for the Graduation and Convocation

  17. Weekly Pre and Post Program Knowledge Test

  18. English Placement Tests

  19. Profiling, Questionnaires and Assessments


35 persons minimum for an in house program and 50 persons maximum per group.


5 persons minimum for a public program per company to form a class of 35 persons minimum and 50 persons maximum per group.


Knowledge Test, Questionnaires & Beliefs Questionnaire

Inspire Asia will set a multitude of pre program knowledge test/beliefs questionnaire and post program knowledge test and beliefs questionnaire to measure the level of knowledge gained during the program and also the change in level 3 behaviours. The key assessments will include:

  1. Weekly Modular Pre and Post Program Knowledge Tests

  2. Assertiveness Beliefs Questionnaire

  3. Emotional Management Beliefs Questionnaire

  4. Interpersonal Skills Questionnaire

  5. Influencing Styles Questionnaire

  6. Win - Win Questionnaire

  7. Creative Thinking Questionnaire

  8. Left Brain - Right Brain Questionnaire

  9. Self Development Beliefs Questionnaire

    • Leadership Practices Inventory

    • Personality Profile

    • Time Management Personality Profile

“Extraordinary Events. Exceptional Experiences” We excel to clients across Malaysia.


Inspire Asia has the experience to deliver to you and should be your number one choice for corporate team activities. Our experts work with you to create the perfect team building, training or certified solution experience.


Call or email us to create your amazing team building experience today.


Our programmes are claimable under the HRDF fund. We will show you how.

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