Build highly effective, friendly & confident teams that deliver beyond expectations.
Situational Leadership - “Choosing the right leadership style for the right people”
Leaders set goals, define paths, and persuade others to follow. They take control and get their message out in a way that inspires, making the most of their limited time, and building roads to precious resources, negotiating alliances, improving colleagues, and aligning the ambitions of the many with the needs of the organization.
We will help mold great leaders for you creating and instilling key leadership characteristics such as:
Modelling the way
Challenging the process
Motivating others
Knowing when to coach and counsel
Communicating assertively
Creating a vision community
Colleague buy-in
Delegation and empowerment
There are many leadership programs. Most are knowledge based and are very technical.
We are different. We focus on tool based, behavioural programmes delivering individual reports highlighting positives, weaknesses and individually tailored action plans, all presented across a two day program which ensures results in the shortest period of time.
Leadership Program

Why Situational Leadership:
“I think people want to be magnificent. It is the job of the leader to bring out that magnificence in people and to create an environment where they feel safe and supported and ready to do the best job possible in accomplishing key goals ...”
Ken Blanchard
Leaders need to understand that different situations call for different actions. Unfortunately most leaders have at best two approaches - autocratic or very relationship based.
Situational Leadership on the other hand will teach your leaders to
Diagnose - understand the situation they are trying to influence
Adapt - adjust their behaviour in response to the contingencies of the situation
Communicate - interact with others in a manner they can understand and accept
Advance - manage the movement
What will you gain:
Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
Consciously select a leadership style appropriate for a situation
Display enhanced communication skills and a universal approach to effectively influencing others
Develop a common language for leaders and followers around performance
Accelerate leadership development
Accelerate the growth of people and teams
Optimises performance while maintaining a positive work environment
How we will do it?
1 or 2 days
Number of participants:
7 minimum - 25 maximum
For Whom:
This course is suitable for Team Leaders, Project Managers, Middle Managers, Supervisors, and Sales Leaders and anyone else who is or will be responsible for managing teams or individuals.
This is a highly interactive course based on the application of theoretical concepts of leadership to practical situations that are faced by managers. Participants will work in small groups throughout the course to apply the learning to real issues and leadership challenges. Practical exercises and case studies will be used extensively
Core Leadership Practices - It takes practice to become a better leader
“Leading by example is more effective than leading by command” James M Kouzes
Ever wondered how you are doing as a leader? What do other people think of your leadership style? Look no further, The Fundamental Leadership program will do exactly that.
Why Core Leadership Practices?
It’s not knowledge based, it’s behaviour based
Discover your strengths and weaknesses by getting a 360 individual report done before the program
Work out a plan to improve on weaknesses, experiment with innovative ideas and learn from accompanying mistakes
What will you gain?
Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
Clarify and communicate your fundamental values and beliefs
Model the way for others to follow
Set the example for others by aligning your actions with shared values
Express your image of the future
Inspire others to see the future
Search for opportunities to change and improve processes
Empower others and build collaboration, teamwork, and trust
Recognise the hot buttons of others and motivate them to excel
Recognize the accomplishments of others
Apply the lessons learned in the workshop to your organisation
How we will do it?
Duration: 1 or 2 days
Number of participants:
7 minimum - 25 maximum
For Whom:
This course is suitable for Team Leaders, Project Managers, Middle Managers, Supervisors and Sales Leaders and anyone else who wants to discover their leadership potential.
The program will use a combination of lecturettes, self-reflective exercises, action planning for self-discovery. It also incorporates the use of Leadership Practices Inventory which is a pre-program survey.
Leadership Practices Inventory:
This survey translates the actions that make up five practices of exemplary leadership into behavioral statements. The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) lends quantitative evidence to the qualitative data provided by personal-best leadership case studies. The LPI consists of thirty statements that address the essential behaviors found when people report being at their personal best as leaders. It is also accurate as it is a 360 degree individual survey which breaks behavioural statements into exact detail from four different perspectives i.e. self, higher management, subordinate and co-worker.